Thursday, January 15, 2009

The subfloor's skeleton is pretty much complete. The windows are framed, the plumbing for the bathroom and laundry is done. Phase I is just about complete, which means we get to have our first inspection. These photos show the framed bedroom window which is shifting up a bit and shrinking from an 8x4 to a 6x4.

Also, the bathroom window, next to which you can see Michael trying to encourage Merlin to come inside even though there's nowhere for him to stand. What a nice papa. To get around the problem, Merlin pseudo-crawls under the framing to get from side to side. He'll sure be disappointed when the space that was formerly a door is sealed shut!

Despite the constant thwarting, Merlin is determined to be the site supervisor... A job he performs equally well from the garage ground level and from a napping position on the couch.

More photos are updated on my Picasa album in case you're following the project.

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