
Friday, January 16, 2009

We passed inspection numero uno this morning - yay! - and are on Phase 2! This means we're probably less than a week and a half away from having our washer and dryer back! Although I love our washer/dryer units, having them in the family room is not exactly what I'd call cozy.

Phase 2 will include insulating and closing up the floor, building the walls for the laundry and bath and, basically doing everything up the point of needing sheetrock. Then we get inspection numero dos and the finishing work begins.

I'm still shocked about the speed of this project. I guess I'm used to Michael and I doing everything ourselves in between working full time, so that inevitablity means long projects and lots of patience. Having Clark work over here every day has been pretty awesome.

And, although it will take a while to recover from the cost of this project, it will be SO worth it in many ways. Keep checking back for more updates!

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Its so amazing the progress.
How exciting!!!

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