Writing Cramp

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ok... not quite. But we did just finish signing all the documents for our new house. Yay us! The best part? Compared with what we're paying now (mortgage, HOA dues and over-payment of HELOC), we are going to be spending $40 LESS each month than we are now. I feel like we're cheating. Shhh... don't tell!

We also found out the other day that we sold our house for the highest price in our neighborhood for this entire year. Awesome. Our neighbors will be thrilled since their value will improve. You're welcome, glad we could help.

Tomorrow afternoon we'll take 10 minutes or so to sign off on this house. Then the fun(ding) happens and recording of docs. And, like I said previously, we'll just have to wait for the old owner to be all moved out.

Just a few more days!!!

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