Friday, August 05, 2005
Yesterday I said goodbye to my cats. I cannot write more as I don't want to cry all over the keyboard. Let's just say that they are safe, healthy and will be loved.
Today was my last day at my job and it took longer than I thought to wrap everything up. I was being pulled in all sorts of directions and what should have taken a couple hours, dragged on and on. I'm glad I took three hours off this afternoon to relax and recoup. Tonight I'm meeting some coworkers and friends at the local brewery for some dinner and drinks.
I truly liked almost everyone in that program - it was just the management that was poor. I hope to keep in touch with most ladies (there were no men there, can you imagine?) and maintain the friendships we've developed.
I was able to complete detailed evaluations on all six of my staff. I couldn't believe it, but they'd never had a real evaluation in the entire time they'd had a job. CRAZY. So, needless to say, they were unaware about the proper etiquette - e.g. not discussing their evals with everyone who walks by, not giving suggestions or opinions about other people's evals that they've seen as they snoop over each other's shoulders. It was so weird and speaks to the typical dysfunction they're used to. Ah, well. Their reviews were good, even management agreed, and I'm outta there having left a substantial mark behind.
I plan on enjoying this weekend as much as possible while I paint (ha ha, enjoy painting?) and clean the house (yay?) but at any rate, I'm looking forward to the new job and the new decor.
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Fresh beginnings everywhere.
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