Back from the dead

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just a quick update because I'm tired, except I'm thinking that it's been a while since I updated and I should do it while it's in my head rather than forgetting for another few weeks.

The room is finished. Woot! And it looks amazing:

I've moved a bed and desk into the space and am still pondering what to put on the walls, but otherwise it's done. Checked off by building inspection and everything. Still waiting to get reassessed, but whatever.

Also, I accepted a new job. Bigger WOOT for this one. I can't say I've been happy at my current job (there have been departments for which I really liked working, but this one... not so much) and, with budget cuts and layoffs, there were a few catalysts that pushed me harder into the job hunt. As serendipity would have it, my cousin's company had an opening that was right up my alley. I actually will be able to put the last 8 years of public sector experience to work in the private sector (and who says they don't cross over?) doing office administration - policies and procedures, project coordination and management, business analysis, etc. And I can't wait to get started. They don't currently have any administration so it's even more exciting. And I'll never, never... EVER... have to hear someone say: "But we've always done it this way!" If you work in government, you know what I'm talking about!

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